A mom’s timetable can be very hectic. Making breakfast, waking up the kids, getting them ready for school, grocery shopping, and cleaning the house are just a few of the chores.

In the struggle for keeping up with the routine, our health and fitness gets neglected. Truth be told, the stress of the daily chores and the negligence shown towards fitness can have some serious consequences. Weight management and obesity are some of the daunting issues working mothers face these days. The task of managing daily chores and fitness is not rocket science.

Here are a few tips to consider in making this impossible task seem like a cakewalk.

exercising for busy moms

Set a target

We all know our desired body type and weight. So, making a layout of what are the goals that need to be achieved works as a reminder. If being fit and active is the goal, then setting up and following a diet and exercise plan works wonders.

Say no to fad diets

As fancy as it sounds, fad diets are not very healthy options to having a fit lifestyle. They deprive the body of its essential nutrients and create an imbalance in the whole chemistry of the body nutrients.

determination is key

Determination is key

Fitness and weight loss programs are not meant for the callous minded. It takes immense dedication and determination to achieve the target. Meditation is the best way to keep the determination intact. Busy mothers undergo a lot of stress when it comes to juggling work. Taking fives minutes out of the busy schedule can lead to positive results in the future. Meditation also helps in conditioning the body and the mind.

Avoid erratic eating patterns

The body and mind have a very unique way of creating delusions. One such delusion is we can eat whatever we feel like at any point of the day. The cravings sometimes become too difficult to resist. Instead of panicking, trick your mind to healthy eating habits. Controlling the portion intake and having cheat meals once a week are few ways to curb erratic eating habits.

mix up your workouts to keep seeing results

Workout variations

Creating workout plans, which consist of a variety of exercises helps in motivating the body to look forward to the circuit. Performing workouts with a clear mind give the best results. The same kind of workout can be mundane sometimes. Incorporate Tabata training, HIIT exercises, aerobics, and swimming into your schedule and notice the difference for yourself.

Be confident

It is very important to be comfortable in your own skin. Confidence often helps to overcome negative thoughts and vibes that keep us away from taking the plunge towards a healthy lifestyle. Obese women often give up on the fact that they can lose weight. Such notions lead to overeating, thus increasing the health risks.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

Self-love is a very crucial element to a healthy mind and body. There are women who are so distraught with the bodies they have that it affects their mental health as well. Looking in front of the mirror every day and smiling or telling yourself that you are ‘your kind of beautiful’ makes the mind active. No good has ever come from being too harsh on oneself.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Charly June

    I agree with moms being so busy every day! I have three girls and am a work at home mom plus home chores without a nanny – yey! I am really having a hard time living a healthy lifestyle with all the delicious foods on the table,lol!

    1. Michelle Faith

      Yes. I transitioned to meal prepping for the daytime (mostly for my own sanity) and bulk prepping for the evenings. This works out much better for everyone else in the family who doesn’t enjoy eating the same things all the time. It’s also great for those on-the-go nights!

  2. Savannah

    Love this!! Setting a target, but also not being too hard on yourself is sooo important. I would often find myself setting crazy goals and end up disappointed every single time – push yourself, but don’t set yourself up for disappointment. Great read! Thanks for sharing <3

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