‘You are what you eat,’ is a pretty common phrase. It basically means that your body’s growth and wellness depends on the kinds of food and drinks that you put into it. If you eat junk food three times a day, you aren’t getting enough nutrients to enrich the mind and the body. That’s why a healthy diet is a necessity for overall wellness. Your body uses the food that you put into it as fuel to run and function smoothly.

We usually turn to food when we are anxious or stressed. Stress eating is never the answer. The food that we put into our bodies while we are stress eating, isn’t always healthy. Mainly because we’re giving into our cravings when we’re stress eating, and our cravings are rarely ever healthy.

Weight Loss

If weight loss has been a goal of yours, then 70% of weight loss is through diet. It takes a mere 5 minutes to consume 500 calories and burning that many calories can take more than two hours of intensive exercise.

No cardio

Clear Mind

It can be difficult to time for exercise in your busy day. So keep your body healthy by sticking to a healthier diet. You’ll start noticing the small changes in your body almost within a week and this can boost your self-esteem and confidence levels.

When you’re not worrying about how the food you eat may be impacting your body, you’ll have more time to concentrate on other things like work and family life, or shopping. It helps you keep a clear mind and, in turn, have a more successful career.

Bodily Benefits

There are numerous illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and even heart disease that you can get when you put junk food into your body day in and day out. The mere thought of this can lead you into an anxiety attack. When you eat healthily, you’re decreasing your chances of getting these diseases and this often gives you peace of mind.

Less Stress

Stress is the leading cause of many diseases. There are certain nutrients found in some foods that can decrease stress levels.



Add these to your diet

Omega-3 Fatty Acids – found in fish, flaxseeds, walnuts, canola oil etc.

Omega-3 protects the mind against spikes in hormones that cause stress like cortisol.

Vitamin C – found in citrus fruits, strawberries, pineapples, mangos etc.

Reduces stress hormones and protects the immune system.

Magnesium – found in spinach, nuts, black beans, pumpkin seeds etc.

Helps maintain stress in lower, manageable levels.

Black Tea

Helps to calm the nerves after a stressful event, speeding up the recovery process

Good, clean eating helps enrich the body and clears the mind. It keeps many illnesses at bay and keeps you healthy.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mikula

    Great post! Getting a clearer mind is one of the most underestimated things about a healthy diet in my opinion. Keep up the great work!

  2. Great post! I think that having a healthy mind is just as important as well. I really like how you included the black tea, it really does help to calm me down.

  3. karly

    So true! Our minds and bodies are connected so if you put rubbish in, you’ll feel rubbish. I’m a big believer in that! Thanks for these suggestions.

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